

Bird-watching in Marin: A Field Exploration  (winter and spring 2020)

Learn to recognize local birds by sight or sound!  This class is a field exploration of birds and birding localities of Marin County. The first class will meet in the classroom for a slide show and lecture, featuring local seasonal birds, to be followed by a bird-watching walk. All other classes will meet at field sites. An itinerary and directions to field sites will be distributed at the first class meeting.

Fee $168  or  $144 members

For information visit: or call 415-485-9305


Tuesday session:
Orientation and short bird walk: Tuesday, January 28, 9:10 am, 
Field Trips: February 4, 11, 18 and 25  @ 8:30 am – 12:30 pm



Tuesday session:
Orientation and short bird walk: Tuesday, March 31, 9:10 am
Field Trips: Tuesdays April 7, 14, 21, 28,   8:30 am

Wednesday session:

Orientation and short bird walk: Wednesday, April 1 , 9:10am
Field Trips: Wednesdays,  April 8, 15, 22, 29, 8:30am 



Birds of Sonoma County

This is an exciting exploration of the tremendous diversity of birds in Sonoma County. This first session will be held in the Sebastopol Community Center for an indoor orientation about the parks we will visit and the birds that we are likely to see. We will then look for birds in the Laguna de Santa Rosa area. All other meetings will meet at the various park locations. Please bring many layers of clothing, comfortable hiking shoes, a packed lunch, water, snacks, binoculars (scopes optional and unnecessary for most destinations), and a field guide (book or phone app). We end each session with a group packed picnic lunch and review by making a bird list together of all species seen that day. All Sonoma County regional parks have an entrance fee of $7.00, buying an annual parks pass is recommended.

Five Mondays: April 6th to May 4th.   8:30am to 12:30pm call 707-823-1511



Discovering Birds of Sonoma County – Nature  (fall, 2019)

Learn about the birds that inhabit Sonoma County while exploring local areas. Two evening PowerPoint programs with the first featuring local waterbirds and the other featuring local landbirds. We also have four Saturday field trips at which we explore natural areas and discover the local birdlife. This is a fun way to discover the presence of egrets, hawks, sandpipers, ducks and many more types of birds in our area. Bring layered clothing, comfortable walking shoes, water, snacks, lunch, a field guide and binoculars to the field trips. There may be additional park entrance fees for some field trips. (2 in-class meetings; 4 field trips).

Two Powerpoint Programs:  March 26 and April 9, 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Four Saturday Field Trips: 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, and 4/18 8:30 am to 12:30 pm


fee: $85 or call 707 778-4633



I will be teaching the “Birding by ear” Course through Marin Audubon Society this Spring (2020)

Dates and places will be Thursday May 7 at Five Brooks, and May 14, Loma Alta Trail and Big Rock Trailhead and May 21 at Mount Burdell.  All classes will begin at 7:30 am.  Watch the Marin Audubon Society website for more details.


Also, See my gift gallery at: